OmniGraffle 7.4 out now!

Check for updates to get the latest version of OmniGraffle for Mac!

This is the first release of OmniGraffle with Omni Automation: use JavaScript within the app to automate object layout, set canvas data, create an animated solar system (because why not!), or whatever else you can come up with. In Pro, you can bundle scripts and assets into Plug-Ins for common tasks like changing metadata and colors, or exporting all of your document’s deliverables with a click. Check out—a Sal Soghoian joint—for more.

We’ve also added and clarified our canvas types. OmniGraffle 7.4 now has three canvas sizing modes: Fixed, Flexible, and Infinite. We think these three specific types make it a lot easier to pick exactly what you need, especially for new folks.

  • Fixed should be used when you have very specific constraints to satisfy.
  • Flexible expands into whichever direction you can go, by adding more “canvas” whenever the edge is reached. (You can choose those directions in the Canvas Size inspector, too.)
  • Infinite doesn’t even care about an edge — you’ll never see the canvas break.

Also included are bug fixes and improvements. Check the release notes for everything!